(Ottawa) When 70's musician Les Emmerson took his five year old granddaughter to the Ottawa zoo on Saturday, he had a life changing experience.
Emmerson, best known for penning the anti sign anthem and classic rock staple "Signs" for his group The Five Man Electrical Band, explains that he was driving through an unfamiliar part of town trying to find the zoo.
"I knew I was close, and I was really getting frustrated. I felt like I'd been driving in circles for 45 minutes. Then, I'm sitting at a red light looking around, and I said aloud 'I can't believe there aren't any signs for this place!'"
"Well, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I just sat there for I don't know how long. The moment was washing over me in waves. Everything was moving in slow motion. I looked up and the light was green, little Lisa was tapping me on the arm and other cars were honking at me. I just pulled over, put my face in my hands and wept."
Emmerson continued shrugging and shaking his head, "I've spent almost 40 years playing that song, and now I have to re-think everything. Signs aren't the enemy. Usually, they're just trying to give you some information."
"This experience has really opened up my eyes. I may even stop smelling like patchouli."
"You've got to have a (vaccination) card to get inside"