Monday, August 23, 2010

American Narcissist Society Honors Mark Cuban Entourage Episode

Flamboyant self-promoting Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban appeared on HBO's Entourage this week, drawing high praise from the American Society of Narcissists. Cuban plays himself (naturally) on the August 22nd episode of HBO's long running series about people who adore themselves.

Self-appointed ANS spokesman Danny "Jet Set" Angel spoke to reporters Monday. "This is the kind of television we have been advocating for some time", Angel said. "When the real Mark Cuban is interacting with the awesomest characters in the history of television, I can't tell you how much that makes me want to look in the mirror.

"Not figuratively. I mean just stare into an actual mirror. It just makes me think of everything I love about myself."

The ANS plans to award the "Entourage Plaque" each year on August 23nd, to the TV show or movie which best displayed the virtues of egocentric living during the past year.

Cuban, who once hired an actor to play a referee he could fight with at halftime of an NBA game, spoke to the other characters about his private jet during his scene. His net worth is estimated at 2.3 billion dollars.

The ANS is without a president or officers again this year. The election of club president ended in a 5,334 way tie, with each member receiving one vote.

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